iERA recently organized an event in Pretoria, South Africa, where we extended the message of Islam to 53 international students from around the world through our Jesus Exhibition Event. The event brought together students from Hong Kong, Paraguay, Australia, the Netherlands, the USA, Germany, and other countries, as well as South Africans, creating a vibrant atmosphere of intercultural exchange.
Upon arrival, the visitors were greeted with “salaam,” the Prophet’s greeting of peace, symbolizing the warm welcome and hospitality extended by the iERA team. They were also presented with a bottle of water and a dawah pack containing a Quran, a Jesus booklet, and a Love of God booklet, providing them with resources to explore Islam’s teachings. As they explored the venue, additional dawah materials were laid out on tables, allowing attendees to delve deeper into Islamic teachings at their own pace.
The students were taken on a comprehensive tour of the Islamic center by Abdullah. During this presentation, Abdullah incorporated the GORAP (God’s Existence, Oneness, Revelation, and Prophethood) into his message, providing the perspective on the life of Prophet Issa AS and his role in Islam. Insights were shared on Prophet Issa AS (Jesus ) and his mother Maryam (Mary), emphasizing commonalities such as dietary practices, such as why eating pork is forbidden. He also touched on the significance of hijab, as well as Islamic principles regarding the equality of women and inheritance rights.
As the group returned to the masjid, they were briefed on Islamic practices, such as the significance of removing shoes, drawing a parallel to the divine communication between Allah SWT and Prophet Musa (Moses). They were briefed on the five pillars of Islam, prayer times, and the ritual of wudhu; the different ways of cleansing example of cleansing such as ghusl. Stepping into the masjid, they were welcomed by the Jesus Exhibition, which showcased the life and teachings of Prophet Issa AS (Jesus )from an Islamic perspective. The exhibition provided a unique perspective on the life of Prophet Issa AS (Jesus ) and his role in Islam. During the event, the guest had the opportunity to listen to the Holy Quran. We recited Surah tul- Al-Faatihah to them and it meaning. Subsequently, IERA team members explained our laws, including details about Prophet Muhammad, and clarified the declaration of our faith, reciting our Creed (Kalimah) which emphasizes the oneness of Allah.
As the event concluded, the guests were able to witness the Dhuhur swalah, enhancing their understanding of Islamic prayer practices. The Jesus Exhibition event allowed visitors to explore the life and teachings of Jesus from an Islamic perspective. Engaging in Q&A sessions, guests also had the opportunity to delve deeper into the exhibition and clarify any queries they had.
Post-exhibition, discussions continued over lunch, featuring a diverse menu of sojee, chicken and rice, tea and coffee, biscuits and cakes, and ice cream. The warmth of hospitality extended beyond the event, with some youth expressing their desire to return and play soccer at the indoor courts, illustrating the success of the event in fostering a sense of community and understanding.
The genuine exchange of ideas and the sharing of cultural and religious practices proved to be a bridge, fostering unity and understanding among the diverse group of attendees. Through insightful presentations and engaging discussions, the event successfully highlighted the shared values between Islam and Christianity. It not only provided an opportunity for education but also created a platform for building lasting connections and friendships.
The event concluded with a collective prayer, expressing our the hope that Allah guides all attendees to enter the folds of Islam. Ameen, Ya Rabb Al’Ameen.