A 78 year old man in Tanzania had an encounter with iERA duats and this changed his life for the best.
The Duats were on a tour🛣️ and doing dawah to anybody they meet on their path. Interesting enough, this man did not wait to be approached by the Duats.
He actually stopped them to interact with them. Being acquainted with them and what their mission🕌 was, the old man informed them that he actually noticed them by their unique way of dressing.
After the 👴man had welcomed them to sit with him🌳🪑, the team utilized the opportunity to answer every question that the man threw at them and they did that intelligently and articulately.
The Duat proceeded to answer every question he asked until the man also began to tell them about his journey with religious practices.
After their long conversation, the old man surprised the Duat with the icing on the cake by declaring his shahadah👆 at the peak of his life.
This is a clear indication on how Allah guides whoever He wants.
For 78 years the man has never worshipped his Creator in the appropriate way until that faithful day🌄 when he met the team.
May Allah strengthen him in guidance on the straight path.