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Mr Abraham’s joruney to Islam, a leap of faith

In the bustling streets of Lusaka, Zambia, Mr. Abraham, a young Christian, felt lost in a sea of denominations.

Confusion and doubt clouded his mind, driving him to seek answers. He yearned to compare Christianity with Islam, hoping to find clarity.

One sunny afternoon, while walking through his neighborhood, Mr. Abraham stumbled upon a group of iERA Duat conducting Islamic outreach works. They invited him to join their discussion, and he accepted, curious about their message.

The Duat, with their warm smiles and open arms, welcomed Mr. Abraham. They shared the fundamentals of Islam, explaining the oneness of God (Tawhid), the Quran’s significance, and Prophet Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) teachings.

Mr. Abraham was captivated by the duats’ words, which resonated deeply within him. He saw the beauty of Islam’s simplicity, its emphasis on compassion, and its clear, unaltered message. The duats addressed his questions, dispelling doubts and misconceptions.

As Mr. Abraham delved deeper, he realized that Islam was the missing piece he had been searching for. He was drawn to the unity and brotherhood among Muslims, the emphasis on community, and the scientific and historical accuracy of the Quran.

The Duats’ kindness, patience, and knowledge had a profound impact on Mr. Abraham. He saw the genuine love and concern they had for their fellow human beings, regardless of background or creed.

With a heart full of conviction, Mr. Abraham made the life-changing decision to embrace Islam. He recited the Shahada, surrounded by Muslim brothers and sisters, and felt an overwhelming sense of peace and joy.

Mr. Abraham’s journey serves as a testament to the power of seeking knowledge and the impact of genuine outreach efforts. His leap of faith inspires others to explore Islam, to seek truth, and to find solace in its timeless message.

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