In a remote Ugandan village, a remarkable transformation took place. Zahara Nakabonge, a staunch Adventist, had lived near a mosque for years, witnessing Islamic practices and hearing the Adhan and Salahs daily. Initially, these sounds sparked anger within her.
However, the kindness and inspirational words of iERA Uganda’s duats (preachers) on a prophetic mission changed everything. During their visit, they shared the beauty of Islam, and Zahara’s curiosity was piqued.
“I stayed near the mosque, hearing and seeing everything, but remained strong in my faith,” Zahara recalled. “Eid celebrations, with Muslims sharing meat, touched my heart, but I resisted.”
Zahara’s perception of Muslims evolved as she observed their compassion and modesty.
“Their actions were good, and they looked smart in hijabs and veils,” she said.
Intrigued, Zahara sought to learn more about Islam. iERA Uganda’s duats introduced her to the faith, explaining its completeness and truth.
“When I took my Shahada, I was asked to choose a name,” Zahara shared. “Initially, I hesitated, fearing some names might be unfavourable. But the daees reassured me, explaining the significance of each name.”
Now, Zahara attends New Muslim classes, embracing her new spiritual journey. Grateful for iERA Uganda’s dedication, we pray for her continued growth in faith.
Zahara’s story showcases the power of compassion and knowledge in guiding others to Islam. From skepticism to enlightenment, her journey inspires us all.
May Allah bless Zahara’s path and iERA Uganda’s prophetic mission.