She asked, “What do you mean when you say, Is life just a game?”
This was a question posed to our da’ee (Islamic preacher) by Sister Edina, a non-Muslim, after noticing the da’ee wearing a t-shirt with that message. 👕💬.
Sister Edina was curious to understand the meaning behind those words. 🤔
Our da’ee took the opportunity to explain the deeper meaning of this statement, focusing on the purpose of human creation, the reason for our existence in this world, and the inevitable return to our Creator ✨
These beautiful and profound words touched her heart, making her reflect deeply. She felt a sense of regret for not having understood this truth earlier 💔.The da’ee continued explaining the beauty and immense rewards of embracing Islam.
Moved by the message, Sister Edina eventually declared the SHAHADAH and embraced Islam☝️, Alhamdulillah 🤲
Let us continue with this noble Prophetic Mission