The clan had been experiencing long-standing disputes, which led to some members becoming estranged, refusing to support each other in both matters of hardship and wealth.
In fact, the divisions reached a point where some members even severed their ties of kinship entirely.
This situation came to the attention of the iERA Tanzania team last month while they were in the community inviting local residents to attend the Mass Da’wah event.
At a certain point, the team noticed that some members of the clan had not attended the event at all.
This was after Duat realized that other members of their clan, who had come, were present.
Upon learning about this, the team decided to take action and the first step was to communicate with the mosque leadership to explore how they could bring together and reconcile the divided members of the clan, under Islamic principles of unity and reconciliation.
The mosque leadership accepted the proposal and informed the Duat that they would arrange a meeting with the clan members to discuss the issue and work toward resolving it.
After returning from a break, the team were able to meet with the clan members and successfully facilitate reconciliation between them.