While the teams were out in the streets delivering the message of Allah, a sister appeared after realizing that the da’ees were Muslims. She approached them and asked, “I want to learn about Islam. I want to become a Muslim; what should I do?”
The da’ees took the opportunity to explain the beauty of Islam to her, and in the end, she declared the shahada and embraced Islam. Allahu Akbar! The sister didn’t stop there; she excitedly called her friend and told her, “I have become a Muslim, and you should too.”

The da’ees then explained to her friend the beauty of Islam, and she too declared the shahada, and both became Muslims. With great enthusiasm, the two sisters requested to be taken to a mosque, saying they had never entered one in their lives. The da’ees joyfully took them to the mosque for the first time, and they promised to begin performing acts of worship