In a remote lakeside village, a man with limited knowledge of Islam had a deep desire to share his faith with his community. One day, while crossing the lake, he met a group of duats (those who call others to Islam) from a neighboring village. Inspired by their knowledge, he invited them to visit his village and teach his people about Islam.
However, the task was not easy. The man had a small boat, which could only carry one duat at a time across the lake. Despite this challenge, he made multiple trips, each time bringing one duat to share their wisdom with the villagers. His efforts slowly began to bear fruit, and around 20 villagers embraced Islam.
As the number of learners grew, it became clear that the small boat was no longer sufficient. In response, the community came together and built a larger boat that could carry more people at once. This new boat not only made travel easier but also allowed for greater exchange of knowledge and stronger connections between the two villages.
The story is a beautiful reminder of the power of vision, unity, and dedication. Through the collective efforts of the community, they were able to overcome challenges and spread the light of Islam. May Allah reward their perseverance and efforts.