Meet Naabirye Shakira, a Ugandan, who converted to Islam after kind and compassionate words from iERA Uganda’s dedicated team. Shakira during a touching conversation, said she embraced Islam in a beautiful way despite her bitter ideology towards Islam as a religion. “I was going somewhere when I met Allah’s servants who asked me questions which angered me at first, but after thoughts my mind told me to out reason them and show them how good Jesus is Jesus who died for our sins”.
Shakira stopped and gave in time to listen and reply to the religious words which the duat told her, according to her when she stopped, she was asked if she would like to convert to Islam. She did not absorb the words of the duat , until she was told about the revelations and prophets differentiating roles and the truth about the birth of Jesus and Maria (Mariam), the mother of Jesus (Prophet Issa), and how she dressed like Muslims. She also was also told how Jesus (Prophet Issa) wore clothes like Muslims and performed sujud (bending). That’s what convinced her to embrace and convert to Islam.
When I took shahada, the du’at told me about their intention to educate me about my new religion of Islam, which I adopted with an open heart. She took me to where new Muslims take classes, and I joined others learning Islam. This impressed me very much, and I made new friends during the course of study.
According to her as of now they have been taught about the pillars of Islam and listed them out. The first one is believing in the oneness of God (Allah), believing in His angels, His books, and the day of judgment. She adds that the other things they have been taught about concerning a good muslim also how to perform Salah, which include a list, but few. “I confirm that nothing is worshipped in truthfulness except one God (Allah) and I confirm that Prophet Muhammad is His prophet and creature”.
I want to thank the people spreading daawa to our villages mostly the endeavour they put in to see Islam blossoming in our country Uganda and we request that they continue with this noble prophetic mission.