Tobias Syazboi, a young man from Zambia had grown up in a Christian household, he had never really questioned his own beliefs, but as he grew older, he began to feel disconnection from his faith.
One day, while browsing the internet, Tobias stumbled upon a video of a debate between a Muslim scholar and a Christian apologist. The Muslim scholar presented a compelling argument that caught Tobias’s attention. He was particularly intrigued by the concept of the Quran’s preservation and the idea that it had remained unchanged for over 1,400 years unlike any other book in the world.
Tobias decided to reach out some Muslims around his home who directed him to iera duats who are specialized in doing dawah hoping to learn more about Islam and the Quran. They were more than happy to answer his questions and provide him with guidance.

The duats began to engage with Tobias, addressing his concerns and clarifying the teachings of Islam. They shared with him the story of the Quran’s revelation, its compilation, and the meticulous process of its preservation.
Tobias was amazed by the wealth of information and the logical explanations provided by the duats. He had never encountered such a thorough and convincing presentation of a faith before that he began to notice a sense of peace and tranquility that he had never experienced before.
The turning point came when the duats shared with Tobias a unique aspect of the Quran’s preservation. They explained that the Quran had been memorized by thousands of companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) during his lifetime, and that this tradition of memorization had continued uninterrupted to this day.
Tobias was stunned to learn that there were millions of Muslims around the world who had memorized the entire Quran, word for word, and that this collective memorization had ensured the Quran’s preservation. He realized that this was a phenomenon unlike any other scripture, and it sparked a sense of awe and wonder within him.
As Tobias continued to learn from the duats, he began to see the world in a new light. He started to appreciate the beauty and simplicity of Islam, and he found himself drawn to the faith. After several months of study and reflection, Tobias decided to take the shahada (the declaration of faith) and become a Muslim.
The duats were overjoyed by Tobias’s decision, and they welcomed him to the Muslim community with open arms. As Tobias looked back on his journey, he realized that it was the unique aspect of the Quran’s preservation that had been the catalyst for his conversion. He had never encountered a faith that was so thoroughly documented, so meticulously preserved, and so widely memorized.
Tobias’s story serves as a testament to the power of Islamic education and the importance of clarifying the teachings of Islam. The duats from IERA had provided him with a unique perspective on the faith, one that had resonated deeply with him. As he began his new life as a Muslim, Tobias felt a sense of purpose and belonging that he had never known before, and he was grateful to the duats for guiding him on his journey