In a heartwarming turn of events, Mzei Nelson, an 80-year-old villager, converted to Islam after witnessing iERA Uganda team team’s kindness and compassion. Initially sitting aside, he listened intently as the team shared inspirational words with new Muslim converts.
Moved by their words, the once-aggressive elderly man loudly declared, “I want to convert to Islam! They’re good people; let them guide me through the process.”
With iERA Uganda’s area coordinator’s guidance, Mzei Nelson took his Shahada, adopting the name Badru. The team, led by Country Manager Brother Muhammad, Operations Officer Brother Abdurahman, and Education Officer Brother Yusuf Damulira, utilized the GORAP methodology to encourage the new Muslim taking classes under new Muslim support project initiated by iERA:
Emphasizing God’s Oneness
Revelation’s significance
Prophethood’s importance
During their spot-checking tour, the team impressed new Muslims with their knowledge and passion while encouraging them to make use of the available teachers to know and understand their new religion Islam.
“Alhamdulillah! We thank Allah for guiding Badru to Islam,” said Bro Muhammad. “May his story inspire others to seek truth.”
This remarkable conversion serves as a testament to iERA Uganda’s dedication to spreading Islam’s message and fostering a supportive community. This is a prophetic mission which needs dedication and involvement from everyone to call people back to Allah.
iERA Uganda’s efforts continue to inspire and guide individuals on their spiritual journeys, fulfilling their mission to reach every home with Islam’s message.