Dawa Day has proven to be a source of great success, bringing about many positive outcomes. One such success story unfolded when the IERA team, while out in the community, encountered a woman named Magdalena Sospita. They spoke to her about Islam, but she strongly rejected their message and even chased them away in anger, threatening to stone them.

Despite this harsh rejection, the IERA team did not give up. They visited Magdalena again, this time inviting her to attend Dawa Day. After some persuasion, Magdalena promised to attend, and the team remained hopeful.
When the day of the event arrived, Magdalena kept her word and attended. This time, she listened attentively and with an open heart. The event proved to be transformative, as many people, including Magdalena, embraced Islam. Magdalena was especially moved by the experience, and she left the Dawa Day event deeply inspired and happy.