One of the beautiful manners that was thought by the Prophet peace be upon him is to have good conduct wherever you find yourself.
It has been transmitted to us that the Prophet says that the Muslim is the one though whom the people are saved as a result of his good conduct and character.
In this story a woman, known by Akello, married to a Muslim by the name Alal, has really resented the religion due to the character of her husband.
According to Akello, the reason she does not like to hear anything that has to do with Islam is that, her current husband, keeps selling her animals which she had inherited from her previous husband after his demise.
She made a generalization that all Muslims behaved in such a fashion until she had an encounter with the iERA Duat in Uganda.
The team had arrived in her village to continue the Prophetic mission of spreading the message of Islam to every household.
When the Duat heard why she resented Islam, they took the opportunity to explain to Akello the true purpose of Islam until her husband came to meet them having the discussion.
The Duat capitalized on the opportunity to teach the husband about how to behave like a Muslim which the husband listen to in a very humble manner.
After a while, Akello’s perception began to change when she realized that her husband’s behavior towards her properties has changed for the better.
She appreciated the efforts and the positive changes in her husband. Inspired by their example, she decided to embrace Islam, taking her shahada with the guidance of the Duat and further chose to be called Farida.
This remarkable story highlights the power of good character and compassion in calling others to Islam.
Akello’s journey from resentment to acceptance, supported by the iERA Uganda team, is a testament to the transformative power of faith and the importance of embodying the teachings of Islam through actions.