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Impact and Unity: Brother Firdaus visit to Uganda

Today marked a significant day in the ongoing efforts of iERA Uganda to spread the light of Islam. Brother Firdaus, iERA’s operations head, continued his spot-checking tour on his second day in Uganda, visiting another district where iERA Uganda operates.

Accompanied by iERA Uganda operations officer Brother Abdur Rahman and education officer Brother Yusuf, they were joined by the district head Brother Sentamu and the village coordinator.

Together, they moved through various parts of the villages, observing the Outreach Specialists in action as they conducted their assigned duties.

During the dawah activities, 10 people were interacted with resulting in four individuals embracing Islam and taking their shahada.

The morning was filled with meaningful interactions and the spreading of Islamic teachings.

In the afternoon, the team proceeded to another village, where they continued their mission by calling on new Muslims to attend classes.

They visited different homes and places, inviting individuals to join the educational sessions. The response was overwhelming, with many people eagerly turning up for the classes.

During one of these classes, Brother Firdaus, supported by Brother Yusuf, addressed the attendees.

He emphasized the importance of worshipping one God and avoiding any form of association with other entities, assuring them that this path would lead to Jannah and help them avoid hellfire.

Brother Firdaus also highlighted that Islam is a complete way of life, encouraging everyone to seek education to fully understand its teachings. He appealed to the attendees to love and support one another, as Islam promotes togetherness and unity.

The visit was a remarkable success, showcasing the dedication and commitment of the iERA Uganda team to their Prophetic Mission.

Brother Firdaus’s presence and guidance provided inspiration and direction, further strengthening the community’s resolve to live by Islamic principles.

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