The iERA Uganda while on the Prophetic mission came across Mutoni Cate, a lady wandering in search of proper guidance.
Mutoni was born as a Catholic Christian and she was taught all the basis she needed to know to be a a stonger believer in the religion.
However, as she practiced her religion, she felt that there is a huge gap in her belief and the more she looked for answers in the denomination of Christianity she had known from birth, the less answers she found.
This made Mutoni restless, she never wants to depart from the earth without knowing the true purpose her creation and never reallty knowing her Creator.
With this worries, she abandoned Catholicism and embraced the Protestant Christianity, becoming born again and accepting Jesus Christ as her Lord and personal Savior.
Sooner than She thought, she began to see the bigger gap and misconception about her new found faith.
She questioned a lot.
“How can God be the father, Jesus the son, and the holy spirit?” she wondered. “Why the trinity?”
She further asked, “How many Gods do we have?” she asked herself. “Is Jesus son of God or prophet?”
One day, attending Team Kisamba new Muslim daily classes, Mutoni discovered Islam. She delved into:
Tawhid (oneness of God), Prophetic lineage, Quran’s scientific and historical talks.
Her questions vanished. “God is one, unique, and merciful,” she declared, embracing Islam with conviction.
After finding clarity, Mutoni found peace and clarity which led her to declare the shahadah. Her spiritual exploration had finally led her home.
‘Islam answered all my questions,’ Mutoni said, ‘I’ve found the truth,’ she added.
Mutoni took for herself the name Aisha after her shahadah.
Aisha found her path to Islam, inspiring others to embark on their own journey of discovering the goodness of Islam.