Mana Islam is a unique program in New Zealand, organized by a dedicated group of reverts from various ethnic backgrounds and generously supported by the Muslim community. Its primary aim is to assist new Muslims in their journey within Islam, recognizing the critical importance of local support. This initiative helps brothers and sisters integrate and thrive in their new faith, fostering a sense of belonging and community. Through shared experiences and knowledge, Mana Islam seeks to empower newcomers and encourage their active participation in the Muslim community.
What is Mana?
“Mana” is a term of Māori origin that can refer to spiritual authority and influence. It embodies concepts of power, respect, and the spiritual energy that individuals or groups can possess. The term is often associated with leadership, integrity, and the responsibility that comes with power. In the context of Mana Islam, it represents the empowerment and support provided to new Muslims in their journey of faith.
The initiative encourages Muslims of all ages and backgrounds—both born Muslims and reverts—to come together, sharing knowledge, experiences, and solutions to the challenges faced by Muslims. Importantly, non-Muslims are also welcome to participate, fostering understanding and dialogue within the community. This inclusive approach helps build connections and support for everyone on their journeys, regardless of their faith background.
Mana Islam launched its maiden program on August 26, 2017, at Masjid At-Taqwa in Manukau, New Zealand, with around 30 men and 20 women attending that night. Since then, the initiative has grown significantly under iERA & FIANZ and can now draw up to 300 men, women, and children from all over the country, reflecting the increasing interest and support within the community. This growth highlights the importance of the program in fostering a sense of belonging and support for new Muslims and their families.
Kaupapa : a principle or policy; the philosophy of a person, group, or organization. Principles and ideas which act as a base or foundation for action.