Home Forums Global Engagement What is better: to Macro-Manage or Micro-Manage?

  • Hawa

    Wed 3 Jumada Al Oula 1445AH 15-11-2023AD at 1:52 pm

    It is better macro manage

  • Abbas Hussein

    Wed 3 Jumada Al Oula 1445AH 15-11-2023AD at 2:57 pm

    Macro Manage is better

  • Said Salim

    Thu 4 Jumada Al Oula 1445AH 16-11-2023AD at 10:45 am

    a balanced approach that combines elements of both macro and micro-management tends to be most effective. It allows for flexibility and ensures that tasks are completed efficiently. Adjust your management style based on the specific needs of the situation and the individuals involved.

  • Mudassir Anjum

    Thu 4 Jumada Al Oula 1445AH 16-11-2023AD at 3:53 pm

    At the beginning of any new managemnt it has to be micro managed to understand the reality processed challenges . Once u understand every process and reasoning u will set up process which will reach to top level management and then u will macro manage.

    Always there will be new things coming up and those have to be micro managed to understand in beginning again by the leadership

  • Muhammad Ariefdien

    Thu 4 Jumada Al Oula 1445AH 16-11-2023AD at 4:13 pm

    Micromanagement is required at ground level in order to ensure a task is completed .We learn from this that employees might become demotivated as they will work completely under a directive.The willingness of a leader to incorporate servant leadership in his managerial style is of utmost importance to gain trust and buyin from his subordinates.Macromanagement is for senior leadership that looks at the vision and objectives of an organisation. They look at the end result and look at exploiting opportunities to ensure a sustainable future for the organisation.The Prophet (peace be upon him) exercised great leadership that the world today marvel over and refer to as servant leadership.

  • Abdullah Panjwani

    Thu 4 Jumada Al Oula 1445AH 16-11-2023AD at 5:42 pm

    However cliche this may seem, striking a balance is key. One way in which a balance can be struck in this regard, whilst still maintaining motivation in the team, and ensuring that work is done satisfactorily is to randomly have 3 days a week in which a micromanagement assessment is done, and 2 days in which a macro assessment is arranged.

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