Rosa Noemi Poblete – 45 – Argentina
For Rosa Noemi Poblete, residing in Buenos Aires, Argentina, everything changed with what seemed to be an “Islamic song.” But it wasn’t a song; it was the call to prayer. What she heard, without even understanding a single word, moved her so deeply that it brought tears to her eyes and prompted her to delve into the meaning behind “the song.”
As she immersed herself in reading the Quran during the nights, Rosa experienced something extraordinary. She felt as if the Quran was speaking directly to her, addressing the specific challenges and trials she faced in life. In moments of difficulty, she found solace and guidance in its verses, experiencing a connection and understanding that transcended words.
For Rosa, the importance of distributing the Quran worldwide cannot be underestimated. She acknowledges that there are people, like herself, living in remote areas who may not have access to this invaluable source of guidance and inspiration. By ensuring the widespread distribution of the Quran, Rosa believes that more people will have the opportunity to experience its transformative power and find solace in its timeless wisdom.
Just as she felt that the Quran spoke directly to her in a difficult moment and had an impact on her life, she believes it can touch many other lives.
To those who may be considering Islam today, she says: “Be awake, read, think… when you look back, everything makes sense. Everything happens for a reason.”