In the heart of a rural village lived a young man by the name Paulo who was raised by his grandmother, He spent his days immersed in farming life.
He also spent his evenings filled with the passion of football. Yet, despite the simplicity of his days, He carried a burden within him, a misunderstanding of Islam.
In his world, Islam was a mystery veiled in superstition. He had heard whispers of jinns and seen the peculiar attire of Muslim men, leading him to believe that Islam was a religion of strange rituals and arcane customs.
However, Paulo never dared to ask the Muslims in his village about their faith, content to harbor his misconceptions in silence.
But fate had other plans for Paulo. One day, a group of enthusiastic youths from iERA arrived in the village, to invite people to Islam.
At first, Paulo was wary, hesitant to engage in conversation with the strangers. However, the sincerity of the Duat and their patience gradually broke through Paulo’s defenses, and he found himself drawn into discussions about Islam.
As the Outreach specialists shared the true teachings of Islam which included the fact that there is no relationship between Jinns and Islam but the Jinns are one of the creature of God.
His misconceptions began to crumble, replaced by a newfound understanding and appreciation for the faith.
With each passing day, Paulo’s curiosity grew, and he eagerly absorbed every word spoken. He learned about the beauty of Islam, its emphasis on compassion, justice, and submission to the will of Allah. Slowly but surely, His heart opened up to the truth, and he realized that Islam was not the mysterious religion he once believed it to be.
Filled with a sense of peace and clarity, he made a decision to embrace Islam and embark on a journey of faith.
As he uttered the Shahada, bearing witness to the oneness of Allah and the prophethood of Muhammad, peace be upon him, Paulo felt a profound sense of liberation wash over him.
Guided by the mercy of Allah, He had found his path, and with the support of his newfound brothers and sisters in faith, he embarked on a journey of discovery, eager to learn and grow in his newfound faith.