Madaraka’s inspiring journey to Islam after an encountering iERA…
Madaraka Mwakajenga, a 21-year-old from Ipinda in the Mbeya region, is a young man who works in mobile phone line agency services. His life changed…
Lady embraces Islam after listening to the Qur’an for…
A lady in the Ushirika ward village within a district in the Southern highland region in Tanzania, works as a soup server, and had no…
In search of guidance, Kevin embraces Islam wholeheartedly
Kevin has been battling in his mind about the purpose of life and how a person can be guided by the desire to seek truth…
The story of how Jalia embraced Islam and turned…
Growing up in a Christian household with her mother after her parents’ separation, Jalia, formerly known as Maria, was raised with a negative perception of…
Tonny’s embraces Islam after enlightenment
Okwiro Tonny, now known as Rashid, courageously embraced Islam after iERA Uganda Duat introduced him to the truth of worshipping one God and believing in…
Nathan’s beautiful walk into the fold of Islam
Nathan Bumba, a devout Christian, had always been fascinated by the world of Islam, although it wasn’t until he attended a Muslim kids’ graduation ceremony…