During the Jesus Exhibition Program conducted by iERA Malawi at Taqwa Masjid in Blantyre, Malawi, on June 26 and 27, 2024, several people embraced Islam.
The program was aimed at providing non-Muslims with the opportunity to engage with Muslims and ask questions about Islam freely.
The iERA Duat walked through the exhibition banners, each containing messages that explained different aspects of Islam to the attendees. They took the time to clarify any queries and provide Islamic literature to those interested in learning more about the faith.
As a result of the program, a number of individuals found themselves drawn to the teachings of Islam and made the decision to convert. These new Muslims will then be offered mentorship to help them gain a better understanding of the basic principles and practices of Islam.
Alhamdulillah, the Jesus Exhibition Program not only served as a platform for dialogue and understanding between Muslims and non-Muslims but also resulted in the guidance of several individuals towards the path of Islam. It was a truly enriching experience for all involved, highlighting the importance of open communication and education in promoting unity and harmony within diverse communities.